American Bio-Safety
(800) 624-8021

4322 Anthony Court Suite #5, Rocklin CA, 95677

1450 West 228th Street, Unit 25, Torrance CA, 90501

Formalin Absorbing Neutralizing Pads

Formaldehyde/Glutaraldehyde Absorbing Pads

FAN Pad G.L.™ Mini, Small & Large

Super absorbent pads, specially treated with Formalex and designed for the ultimate destruction of formaldehyde, 10% formalin, and glutaraldehyde solutions. Absorbs & Neutralizes these aldehyde solutions destroying there harmful Vapors. The safest and most effective method of controlling air quality in; Histology, Pathology, Dermatology, Specimen Transport, Specimen Storage, Biology, Anatomy, Autopsy, Morgue, Endoscopy, G.I. Labs, Operating Room, Labor & Delivery, Research Labs, and all the Health Science Labs


F.A.N. Pad-GL “ULTRA” Ultra Pads Grossing Pads


A Formaldehyde Absorbent Neutralizer Pad that provides, a Unique Foundation for Specimen Dissection that Absorbs and Neutralizes Formalin, Destroying its Harmful Vapors while dissecting tissue. Designed to be dense enough to provide Exceptional Knife Suppression, Yet soft enough to reduce wear on dissecting blades.


FAN Pad Elite, Grossing Pads,  Neutralizing absorbing Pads


Formalin Absorbing Neutralizing "ELITE" Pads provide excellent vapor control during gross examination, dissecting, transporting, or transferring formalin fixed tissue. With their Neutralizing Blue Permeable Non-woven laminate work surface, they give Excellent tissue contrast while being soft enough to reduce wear on dissection blades. Once the harmful vapors are absorbed, they will convert formaldehyde and other aldehydes to a non-hazardous polymer allowing your lab to be a much safer work area.


Xtra Absorbent Pads

Xtra Absorbent Pads will encapsulate and reduce formaldehyde exposure while providing exceptional contrast on a durable blue work surface

Useful for grossing, lining shelves and soaking up spills from alcohols and solvents

Product Details

Dry Mats™ highly absorbent dry wipes for spill response

ABS Towelettes (Wipes)

A highly absorbent and dry 12"x13" towelette (wipe) used for spill response and formalin vapor control. Perfect for grossing stations, storage cabinets, and any area where spills might occur. 


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