4322 Anthony Court Suite #5, Rocklin CA, 95677
1450 West 228th Street, Unit 25, Torrance CA, 90501
(Northern California) Rocklin CA 95677 l (800) 624-8021
(Southern California)Torrance CA 90501
Biohazard Specimen Transport Bags
The Biohazard specimen bags protect health-care personnel from specimen leaks, and the document pouch compartment prevents the patient information from being misplaced or compromised. Zip-top close and “Tear-top” open, allows for fast, convenient access to specimen. Biohazard symbol displayed on orange background. Pocket allows for segregation of paperwork. The 6”x9” specimen transport bag with pad includes a 3”x5” formalin absorbent sheet.
Sizes Available
Item# BSTB-6x9 l 1000 Bags/Case l 6”x9” Specimen Transport Bags
Item# BSTB-6x9-Pad l 1000 Bags/Case l 6”x9” Specimen Transport Bags w/ Pad
Item# BSTB-8x10 l 1000 Bags/Case l 8”x10” Specimen Transport Bags
Item# BSTB-12x15 l 500 Bags/Case l 12”x15” Specimen Transport Bags
Item# BSTB-20x24 l 100 Bags/Case l 20"x24" Specimen Transport Bags