American Bio-Safety
(800) 624-8021

4322 Anthony Court Suite #5, Rocklin CA, 95677

1450 West 228th Street, Unit 25, Torrance CA, 90501

Bio Hazard Waste Bin

Biohazard Waste Bin

Fits perfectly with the ABS Bio Hazard Waste Bag (Part# BHWB). Touchless lid with foot pedal which allows for quick disposal of hazardous waste. Red Bin with large Bio Hazard symbol. A capacity of 12-14 Gallons.

Sizes Available

Item# BHBIN l 1 Waste Bin l 10”x14”x19” Biohazard Waste Bin

Biohazard Waste Bin XL

This large biohazard bin is ideal for handling the infectious or contaminated waste generated daily in laboratories. It features the international biohazard symbol, eliminating the need for extra stickers or labels. The foot-pedal mechanism enables hands-free use, minimizing contamination risks. Additionally, notch hooks on the basket rim facilitate easy and convenient bag installation. A capacity of 26 Gallons

Sizes Available

Item# BHBIN-XL l 1 Waste Bin l 19"x19"x33" Biohazard Waste Bin XL

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