4322 Anthony Court Suite #5, Rocklin CA, 95677
1450 West 228th Street, Unit 25, Torrance CA, 90501
(Northern California) Rocklin CA 95677 l (800) 624-8021
(Southern California)Torrance CA 90501
Our ABS Prostate Biopsy Kits comes ready to use with twelve or fourteen 20ml vials that contain 10ml of 10% Neutral Buffered Formalin. Each kit includes instructions along with clearly defined specimen locations that are marked within the box.
Sizes Available
Item# ABS-PB-12 l 12 Vial Prostate Biopsy Kit l 25 Kits/Case
Item# ABS-PB-14 l 14 Vial Prostate Biospy Kit l 25 Kits/Case